Musiikintekijän hyvinvointipäivä kevät 2018

Musiikintekijän hyvinvointipäivä kevät 2018

Time: today 28.5. – you 29.5.2018. The event starts at 11.30 am at lunchtime.
Place:  Spa Hotel Päiväkumpu , os. Ylhäntie 1, 09120 Karjalohja.

The seats are filled in the order of registration, the first 11 can be accommodated. The event is free of charge and only to members of Finnish Musicians. To get to the place, the Finnish Musicians will reimburse travel expenses. NB! Learn about new Travel Compensation Instructions .

The participant link opens here on May 8, 2018 at 10am.

Spa Hotel At daytime, participants can enjoy the peace of nature, visit the spa and the hotel’s gym.

You will need: comfortable clothing and, if possible, your own blouse. Take the blanket into mindfulness training. Also, have a little of your own food if you need it. There are no shops in the immediate vicinity. Also, if you like, take a bathing suit for the spa and sportswear for the gym.

Package includes: lunch, dinner and breakfast. Other purchases (eg minibars, drinks, other meals) are paid on a self-catering basis.


Ma 28.5.2018

  • 11.30 meeting for lunch
  • 12.30 switch to group work. With a trained tutor approaching the subject:  Mindfulness as a resource for creative work
    • The Mindfulness theme is approached through theoretical background and participants’ own experiences
    • the importance of conscious presence: what mindfulness is and the benefits of mindfulness training
    • regulation of your own nervous system, the importance of relaxation and calming
    • strengthening of concentration and conscious presence
    • strengthening self-esteem
    • building an optimally creative working space for yourself and harnessing creativity
  • 14 break
  • 14.30  From Theory to Practice: Guided Exercises
    • various types of breathing and mindfulness exercises are conducted
    • with the aim of achieving a conscious presence through their own experience
    • Finally, sharing common experiences and making independent work placements
  • 16 from the free time. Hotel rooms are available from 16am
  • 17-19 dinner
  • free time, socializing with colleagues. The spa is open until 21:00
Tue 29.5.2018
  • 7.15-9.30 hotel breakfast
  • free time, eg morning swimming (for hotel guests only) every day from 10am to 12pm
  • Check out 12

Marjukka Laurola is a mindfulness instructor for the  musician’s wellbeing day . He is a musician-based mental health psychologist and psychic trainer who specializes in supporting the wellbeing of artists and the specific issues of creative industries.Marjukka has a reception in Helsinki and she also trains, works and writes about the themes
www. the artist’s psychiatric nurse

Photo: Ida Stenros

Warmly welcome to relax!