Pohjoismaisten musiikintekijäjärjestöjen vetoomus EU-päättäjille


Pohjoismaisten musiikintekijäjärjestöjen vetoomus EU-päättäjille

Luovan työn tekijät tarvitsevat korvauksen työstään myös digitalouden aikakaudella. On tärkeää, että musiikkia ja elokuvia hyödyntävät alustapalvelut maksavat tekijänoikeuskorvaukset sisältöjen alkuperäisille tekijöille. Siksi pohjoismaiset musiikintekijäjärjestöt ovat allekirjoittaneet yhteisen vetoomuksen, jossa kannustetaan europarlamentaarikkoja äänestämään tekijänoikeusdirektiivin äänestyksessä 12.9.2018 tekijänoikeuden ja kohtuullisen korvauksen toteutumisen puolesta.


Composers and songwriters from the Nordic countries, here represented by the Nordic Popular Music Authors’ Union (NPU), call upon the European Parliament to adopt the Copyright Directive, including the value gap provision, on 12 September 2018.

A strong value gap provision is crucial for the livelihood of today’s authors and for future generations of authors. We need a provision that ensures fair remuneration for the content uploaded on online platforms such as YouTube and Facebook. This is the opportunity to improve the financial situation of authors and as such strengthening the European creative community.

In addition to being crucial for authors, a strong value gap provision will also benefit consumers, which will experience increased legal certainty and qualitative cultural content as a result of a fairer online market. Finally, a value gap provision will create a level playing field for digital service providers and as a result fair competition in the Digital Single Market.

NPU therefore calls on all Members of European Parliament to not miss the opportunity to strengthen the creative community in Europe and ensure the adoption of the Copyright Directive.


Sincerely, NPU

Ingrid Kindem, Chair of NOPA     Niels Mosumgaard, Chair of DPA     Susi Hyldgaard, Chairman of DJBFA     Kaija Kärkinen, Chair of FMC     Alfons Karabuda, Chair of SKAP     Bragi Valdimar Skúlason, Chair of FTT/ISAC

About NPU:

NPU consists of the following organizations: the Norwegian Society of Composers and Lyricists (NOPA), the Finnish Music Creators (FMC), the Danish Songwriters Guild (DPA), DJBFA / Composers and Songwriters, the Swedish Association of Composers, Songwriters and Lyricists (SKAP) and the Icelandic Society of Authors and Composers (FTT). Together the organizations represent almost 10 000 composers, songwriters and lyricists. The organizations are members of the European Composer and Songwriter Alliance (ECSA).

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