Open Call The Camille Awards 2022


Open Call The Camille Awards 2022

Hae nyt mukaan eurooppalaiseen elokuva- ja TV-musiikkikilpailuun! Lähetä hakemuksesi viimeistään 6.4.2022.

The Camille Awards of eurooppalaisten musiikintekijäjärjestöjen kattojärjestö ECSAn (European Composer and Songwriter Alliance) elokuva- ja TV-musiikkikilpailu. Palkinnot kolmessa eri kategoriassa jaetaan näillä näkymin Splitissä, Kroatiassa 27.9.2022.

Lue huolella osallistumiskriteerit ja -ohjeet ja lähetä materiaalit viimeistään 6.4.2022 osoitteeseen otsikolla ”The Camille Awards”.

Hakemuksessa tulee olla seuraavat tiedot:

  • Nimesi
  • Yhteystietosi
  • Missä kilpailukategoriassa haet
  • Kilpailuteoksen nimi
  • Kilpailuteoksen julkaisu/ilmestymisaika (huomioi kilpailuun hyväksyttävien teoksien julkaisuaika: Scores will qualify as eligible if the motion picture or TV series for which the score was composed has had its world premiere screening between 1st January 2021- 31st December 2021.)
  • Vähintään 3 kuukautta voimassa oleva katselulinkki ja salasana englanniksi tekstitettyyn versioon teoksesta, kts. lisäohjeet alta


Kategorioiden voittajat palkitaan taiteilija Caroline Brissetin tekemällä palkintopatsaalla.

Awards by the artist Caroline Brisset © Abdel Rakoon

Osallistumisohjeet ja lisätiedot englanniksi

The Camille Awards are organised by the European Composer and Songwriter Alliance (ECSA) and its Film and Audio-Visual Music Committee (FFACE). The Camille Awards are supported by the Creative Europe Programme.

Previously known as Grand Scores, the ECSA European Film Composer Awards have been renamed the Camille Awards as a tribute to Camille Saint-Saëns, the composer of the first music ever composed for a fiction film, namely The Assassination of the Duke of Guise in 1908.

The European Film Composer Awards is an event dedicated to celebrate film music and its composers. Scores from different categories will be awarded during a ceremony in Split (Croatia) on Tuesday 27th September 2022 (TBC). 

The following achievements shall be honoured annually with a Camille Award

  1. Best Original Film Score (Award presented for one film score in the respective year.)
  2. Best Original Music for a Drama Series (Award presented for one score for a drama series screened in the respective year.)
  3. Best Original Score for a Feature Documentary (Award presented for music written directly for a feature documentary in the respective year.)

The Final International Jury is composed of renowned composers.


  • Only the principal credited composer/s responsible for the conception and execution of the work as a whole shall be eligible for a Camille Award.
  • Only original scores made specifically for the production are eligible.
  • An original score is a substantial body of original music.
  • An audible and significant rendition of the music must be used in the body of the film. It is the film/TV series version of the music that will be considered.
  • Scores will qualify as eligible if the motion picture or TV series for which the score was composed has had its world premiere screening between 1st January 2021- 31st December 2021.
  • Unless noted otherwise, scores for motion pictures will be eligible if they are used in a feature-length fiction film that had its world premiere in a commercial cinema theatre or on online public streaming platforms.
  • If not in English, the movies and series (pilot or first episodes) for which the scores have been written, must be submitted with English subtitles.
  • The submissions by the different organisations should be of scores composed by a composer of their own countries – regardless of the origin of the production etc.
  • The production companies will need to provide a link with password or information on where to access the movies, documentaries and series (pilot episodes) from which the scores have been written, for a sufficient amount of time (at least 3 months). The ECSA Member organisations must present the Camille Awards concept and the possibility to receive a prize to receive the support of the movies and series representatives.

More information

Camille Awards

European Composer and Songwriter Alliance


The European Composer and Songwriter Alliance (ECSA) represents over 30,000 professional composers and songwriters in 27 European countries. With more than 55-member organisations across Europe, the Alliance speaks for the interests of music creators of art and classical music (contemporary), film and audiovisual music, as well as popular music.

The main objective of the Alliance is to defend and promote the rights of authors of music at the national, European and international levels by any legal means. It advocates for equitable commercial conditions for composers and songwriters and strives to improve social and economic development of music creation in Europe.

ECSA was initiated in 2006 in Vienna within the framework of the Mozartjahr. It was established as an alliance in March 2007 in Madrid with the purpose of becoming the central organisation representing the interests of all music creators in Europe, giving every composer and songwriter a European voice.

FFACE Committee

The Film and Audio-Visual Music Committee (FFACE) is the committee of ECSA dealing specifically with issues affecting composers of film, advertising and other audio-visual music. The committee aims to assert and maintain the specificity of the profession, reinforce the dialogue with producers, editors and broadcasters and facilitate exchanges and mobility of professionals.