Musiikintekijät ja Music Finland järjestävät yhteistyössä Master class – tapahtuman jonka vieraana on amerikkalainen Sean Holt. Ilmoittaudu tapahtumaan!
Kahvitarjoilu klo 12.15 lähtien. Tilaisuus on englanninkielinen. Master class kuvataan ja julkaistaan myöhemmin Musiikintekijöiden YouTube-kanavalla.
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Sean Holt’s Master Class: “Songwriting trends in 2019: How thin is the line between a songwriter and a producer?”
Are today’s songwriters required to understand production techniques? When does a producer act as a songwriter? Sean will discuss current trends in songwriting and production, how today’s writing roles differ from the more traditional ones, and where the most relevant opportunities are.
Sean Holt is an American musician, producer, songwriter and artist who has collaborated with numerous artists such as Carlos Santana, Flo Rida, John Legend, Bruno Mars, R. Kelly, Mary J. Blige, Gloria Estefan or Michael Bublé to name a few. Check out Sean’s impressive bio below.
Sean Holt – Bio
Sean is an American musician, producer, songwriter and artist. Originally from Louisiana, Holt’s early musical influences were a unique collection of blues, gospel, soul and jazz from that region. He began his professional career in 1991 in Los Angeles, where he currently resides. Shortly after locating in LA, Sean received his master’s degree in music from USC and began recording and performing with West Coast artists. He has worked with artists ranging from Carlos Santana, Flo Rida, Slash, John Legend, Big and Rich, Bette Midler, Bruno Mars, R. Kelly and Nelly, to Kenny Loggins, Mary J. Blige, Gloria Estefan, Arturo Sandoval, Michael Buble’, John Rich, Sergio Mendes, Sheila E. and numerous others.
For the last 2 decades, Holt has enjoyed an extremely diverse and multi-faceted role in the music industry. He is an accomplished, creative business owner with years of experience in music production and supervision. He has composed/produced Emmy, Clio, and Golden Pencil Award- winning music for hundreds of clients including Apple, Nike, Nissan, Oracle, HP, BMW, Porsche, Mitsubishi, Expedia, McDonalds, Kodak, MasterCard, NBA, MTV, and Lexus. Holt co- produced the worldwide theme music for Al Gore’s ”Live Earth − a Climate in Crisis,” 24 hours of music from 9 concerts across 7 continents that reached an audience of 2 billion people. Sean has worked extensively in live Television with credits including ”The Next” on the CW Network, ”Lopez Tonight” show with George Lopez on TBS, ”Oh Sit” on the CW Network, the ”Arsenio Hall Show” on CBS, and as a featured male vocalist on ”Dancing With The Stars” on ABC.
Currently, Sean curates a vast library of music for TV networks and production companies throughout the broadcast industry. LightningHolt Music features the work of numerous composers and sound designers on series like ”Hunted”, ”Ultimate Beastmaster”, ”Strong”, ”Awake”, ”The Day I Met El Chapo”, etc. on all major networks, including Netflix. As an Assistant Professor on the esteemed faculty of the Popular Music and the Music Technology Programs at the USC Thornton School of Music, Holt offers instruction in classes ranging from pop ensemble performance, vocal pedagogy and advanced songwriting to senior directed research, music production techniques and private study. He has great passion for sharing his vast experiences and expertise to students around the world through a hands-on, vocational approach to music education.