Discover ECSA’s music creators Playlist – Call for Works – lähetä teos viimeistään 31.5.2023
Eurooppalainen musiikintekijäjärjestöjen kattojärjestö ECSA on laatimassa Discover ECSA’s music creators -soittolistaa. Listalle kootaan jokaisesta jäsenmaasta, mukaanlukien Suomi, maksimissaan kolme teosta. Soittolista sijoitetaan Spotifyhyn ja Apple Musiciin. Se tuo esiin eurooppalaisia musiikintekijöitä.
Soittolistan teema vuonna 2023 on ”Melodies of the Future”
Mikäli haluat ehdottaa teostasi mukaan soittolistalle, toimi alla olevien ECSAn ohjeiden mukaisesti. Varmista, että teoksesi täyttää vaatimukset. Lähetä ehdotuksesi ja siihen liittyvät tiedot englanniksi sähköpostitse viimeistään 31.5.2023
Musiikintekijät valitsee ECSAn soittolistalle lähetettävät kolme teosta arpomalla. Arvonnassa voidaan painottaa eri genrejä mikäli niitä tulee epätasaisesti. Mukaan päässeille ilmoitetaan henkilökohtaisesti.
Soittolista julkistetaan maailman musiikin päivänä (World Music Day) 21.6.2023
ECSAN tiedote ja hakuohjeet
The European Composer and Songwriter Alliance (ECSA) is pleased to launch a call for works to be considered for Discover ECSA’s music creators Playlist.
After its successful first edition of the playlist last year, ECSA will once again create a collection of compositions and songs coming from the ECSA member organisations, to be published on 21st June 2022 on World Music Day. The goal is to promote European composers and songwriters and increase their visibility to the wider public. With this playlist, ECSA aims at actively guiding the public in discovering recent releases from over 15 countries and creating its very own, one of a kind “European Music Listening Experience”. The playlist will help raising awareness of music creators in the ECSA network.
The theme of this year’s playlist is ”Melodies of the Future”
In the world we live in today, “the future” is more reflected in music than ever. In times in which many hope for change (think of climate change, social justice, or war), many songs include signs of optimism, resilience, and a belief in a brighter tomorrow.
On another note, more than ever, today’s music creation builds on the most cutting-edge innovations, blends genres, and pushes the boundaries of new technologies. Especially recently, technology is shaping the future of music in unprecedented ways.
The theme can be interpreted in a broad way, but submissions should reflect the theme in at least one of the following ways:
In the case of a song, the lyrics must communicate any message about the future (this can, again, be interpreted in broad terms, such as in the description of the theme above).
For compositions without lyrics, acceptable submissions must have been composed in an innovative way (see examples above) or by using new technology in any way. This should be reflected in the sound of the composition.
Film scores can also be submitted. In this case, the movie/scene to which the score belongs to must also transmit the topic of the future.
- Works must have been written within the last 15 years.
- The song/s and compositions submitted need to be available on both Spotify and Apple Music.
- All formations of available instruments are allowed.
- All music genres are allowed in the submissions.
- We encourage pieces of all lengths but ask that the piece does not exceed 9 minutes.
- All entries must “be partially credited at least” to members of the ECSA member organisations.
The submission must contain the credits to each song/composition
- Song Title
- Written by (songwriters/composers)
- Produced by (producer)
- Performed by (possible artist)
- Published by (musical work copyright claimant)
Should the theme not be respected within the submissions or should the entries not meet any other of the call’s specifications, they will not be included in the playlist.