ECSA-AEC 2023 Mentoring programme - Hae nyt mukaan naisille suunnattuun kansainväliseen mentorointiohjelmaan


ECSA-AEC 2023 Mentoring programme – Hae nyt mukaan naisille suunnattuun kansainväliseen mentorointiohjelmaan

Hae nyt mukaan eurooppalaisten musiikintekjäjärjestöjen kattojärjestö ECSAn järjestämään naisille tarkoitettuun mentorointiohjelmaan!

Ohjelman tavoitteena on lisätä sukupuolten yhdenvertaisuutta musiikkialalla ja jakaa osaamista. Voit hakea mukaan mentoroitavana tai mentorina. Osallistuminen on maksutonta. Hakijan tulee olla Suomen Musiikintekijöiden jäsen. Hae mukaan viimeistään 14.11.2022.

You are warmly invited to apply for the ECSA-AEC 2023 Mentoring programme that aims to serve as an introduction to the music industry for young female composers and songwriters that are beginning to approach their careers, with the help of female role models. The ultimate goal is to enhance gender equality within the sector.
ECSA members are invited to apply either as a mentor or a mentee.
Both composers and songwriters are invited to apply, from which six (6) mentors and six (6) mentees will be selected. Candidates might be interviewed regarding their availability to attend the six (6)-month mentoring session, composed of 3 individual online meetings (one every two months) as well as two in-person events, should condition permit (see below). It is highly recommended that mentees use notes during each session. After completing the three sessions, both mentors and mentees will submit their final evaluation form which will serve as a basis for a final report on the programme.
The programme has been initiated by AEC – European Association of Conservatoires under the “Supporting Female Artists initiative“, and has jointly been developed by ECSA – European Composer and Songwriter Alliance and EJN – Europe Jazz Network.
How to apply:
Applications must be submitted by using this form HERE and include the following requirements:
  1. Motivation statement (250 words max.)
  2. Special interests you have that might be helpful in matching mentors with mentees
  3. Biography and profile picture (for dissemination purposes)
  4. Links to music material (Spotify, SoundCloud, Vimeo, YouTube) and/or official website.
*The deadline for submissions is 14th November 2022.
You can find more information about the full Call here.
There are no expenses or fees.
Mentoring sessions will be composed of 3 individual online meetings, one every two months, starting from April 1st, 2023) as well as two in-person events, should condition permit:
  • Kick-off meeting in Brussels (21 March 2023)
  • Networking and dissemination event (November 2024 / location to be confirmed).
For these two in-person events, the programme will take care of costs such as accommodation, transportation, and per diem.
For any clarifications about the programme and/or the application process, please contact