Speed meeting: co-writing in English

Speed meeting: co-writing in English


Tapahtuma-aika 11.10.2022 17:00 - 19:00
Järjestäjä Suomen Musiikintekijät
Paikka Online / Zoom

Welcome to Speed meeting: co-writing in English!

Are you a songwriter who writes lyrics in English and is looking for co-writing colleagues who also write in English? Or are you an artist who wants to meet songwriters who write in English? If you replied yes to one of these questions AND you are a member of Finnish Music Creators (Suomen Musiikintekijät), a member of Finnish Musicians’ Union (Muusikkojen liitto) or a member of DPA (Danish professional songwriters and producers), you shouldn’t miss this event! This is a wonderful occasion for members of three associations to connect and work together in the future.

How does it work?

  • Registration for the event is open 5-18.9. Members from Finnish Music Creators register via this page. Members of Musicians’ Union or DPA please check the registration procedure from your respective associations’ websites.
  • Maximum 7 members from each association can register. Be quick!
  • Participants will receive instructions on how to send links to their music, possible contacts and or descriptions on their artistic projects. These will be shared with the other participants.
  • Participants will have one week to listen to each other’s music and read about their projects beforehand.
  • During the meeting each participant will have a limited time to present her/himself.
  • The Speed Meeting will take place online on Tuesday 11 October 5 pm Finnish time (4 pm Danish time).
  • The meeting is ONLINE and it’s in English.

The event is organized by Finnish Music Creators with the collaboration of Finnish Musicians’ Union and Danish professional songwriters and producers.


Palvelun kulujen kattamiseen käytetään varoja, jotka ovat peräisin Kopiosto ry:n Suomen Musiikintekijät ry:lle vuosittain tilittämistä kevyen musiikin teosten kopiointikorvauksista.

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